Saturday, December 31, 2011

Saturday PhotoHunt

The theme this week is gather.  So here is my picture.  Family gathering around truck at son's house in preparation for the fireworks on July 4, 2011.  Such a great evening.

Happy New year everyone.  I will be spending at least part of it over at my sons house.  They don't want Mama (me) to be alone this evening.  Depending on how things go I don't have to come home as our motorhome is over there and it has 3 extra beds for anyone who doesn't want to drive home.


ancient one said...

Maybe you will be shooting off fireworks again tonight? Perfect photo for the theme! Welcome!!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Fireworks! How much fun, sounds like you'll have some great gathering going on tonight!

Happy New Year!

Melissa said...

Welcome to the PhotoHunt! Nice job on this week's theme. :-)

Allthingsfoodie said...

I like gathering around the truck bed actually. It's a great place for easy conversation.

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Welcome to the photohunt!
Happy New Year~ I hope we see you next Saturday . . . and bring some BLING!