Sunday, January 08, 2012

Another Photo Hunting Blog

I found another Saturday Photo Hunting site. (Click the title for link)  The theme this week is Tree Branches.  Anyway over the last few years I have taken many pictures that fit this theme so here goes.
 2007 Osage County Lake in Kansas
Same tree Osage Lake
Next 3 are in my yard just different times.

 2007 Ice Storm.
 August 2010 Summer
January 2011 Winter  Same 2 trees.

Glad this is not this year.  Although we could use the moisture.


Gemma Wiseman said...

Tree branches create such intriguing designs! And in silhouette they become incredible artworks! Beautiful series of photos showing a variety tree branches!

Ingrid said...

All different but all beautiful !!
Nice to join in ! If you continue with my Saturday's Photo Hunting" could you please put the logo with a link to my blog on your post ? Thanks !

Iggygirl said...

Those photo hunts sound fun, I'm going to try it, this saturday feb 18 the theme is circles.

check out my blog #10

.s.e. said...

Wow, everyone seems to be doing photo hunting this is so awesome I really need to get in on this!

Really beautiful photos!!

Check out my Blog #10