Hey everyone. I know I have not posted in quite awhile. But I had to post this. SuzyQ is my cat she is almost 13. Took her to Vet this morning because she quite eating and just dropped weight almost overnight. Anyway they just called her blood work came back that her Thyroid values are over 2 times what they should be. So I have to go back this afternoon and we will decide what to do. Anyway please pray or think healing thoughts (whatever you do) We need everyones prayers. Thank you.
The other thing I wanted to post was these pictures for this weeks Photo Hunter theme which is Lazy. And SuzyQ fits that to a T. There is 2 pictures of her sleeping on HER chair by the window. 2 of her laying on her back on the floor. And the last one her curling up in my overnight bag. Like she is saying you are not getting out of here without taking me. Hope you like. I will probably be posting some more pictures for the ones I didn't get done later.
Have a great day everyone.

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