Next picture is a bookmark that I received from the January bookmark exchange in the yahoo group bbinteractive (Brooke's Books Interactive). I am still hunting for a pattern for her bookmark.

I have also received some postcards from some Swap-bot postcard swaps. Have not scanned them yet but when I do they will be posted on my webshots album and maybe here.
Got to go as the ferrets want out to play and we want to watch the playoff games today.
Barbara, you are one of the PIF winners from my site. Please contact me with your mailing address and I'll get something in the mail for you. xsnut@comcast.net
leaving a comment is easy, but who knows what a PIF is? I don't. I doubt I'm the only one out here who doesn't know every acronym people use. Have mercy on us!
Sherry (nabbycat@aol.com)
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